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Faculty members are encouraged to consult with their department chair or dean in all matters related to career advancement, namely, reappointment, tenure and promotion. Our office is available to faculty members needing assistance with the policies related to faculty review.

The following post-tenure review policy provides a framework for implementation of the Trustee Policy for Review of Tenured Faculty, which was first effective September 1, 1998 and amended effective March 24, 2024.

Post-tenure review is a systematic process for the periodic, comprehensive review of the performance of all faculty members having permanent tenure and whose primary duties are teaching, research and/or service. The goals of post-tenure review are to promote faculty development, ensure faculty productivity and provide accountability. The post-tenure review process should respect the basic principles of academic freedom. Post-tenure review does not abrogate, in any way, the due process criteria or procedures for dismissal or other disciplinary action established under the Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure. The policies and procedures presented below incorporate the basic principles of the policies established by the Board of Governors in Sections 400.3.3 and 400.3.3.1 of the UNC Policy Manual.

The Provost shall annually review the post tenure review policy of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and certify that all aspects of the UNC-CH policy are in compliance with the policies of the UNC System Office and any associated guidelines adopted by the President of UNC System Office.

Go to Policy Post Tenure Review Policies by School UNC System Office Post Tenure Review Policy Update Memo
Each year it is expected that the unit head will meet with every untenured faculty member and set forth the expectations for that member, an evaluation of past performance, and an indication of the duties that he or she is expected to fulfill over the next year. The dean’s office of the respective unit should be notified that the evaluation meeting has taken place. A written record that such a conversation has taken place should be placed in the individual’s personnel file.
Various university committees review appointments, reappointments, tenure recommendations and promotions of faculty and EHRA Non-Faculty. Additional reviews by the System Office and the Board of Trustees for salaries above designated ceilings are addressed in a separate section. The Board of Trustees and Board of Governors do not accept actions with retroactive effective dates; therefore, units should refer to the date chart to determine effective dates. The following is a brief description of the university review committees.

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