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All tenure-track and tenured faculty appointments are expected to be full-time (1.0 FTE) appointments unless specific circumstance in the interests of the appointing department and the University dictate otherwise.

Section 2.c.(6) the University’s Tenure Code sets forth general expectations about faculty appointments as follows:

“Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in the documents of appointment, all appointments to any faculty rank are on the basis of a full-time employment obligation and confer the full incidents of academic tenure pertinent to the particular appointment. Any special terms and conditions shall be clearly stated in the written appointment. Special terms and conditions added by memorandum of amendment must be approved by signature of the Chancellor (or his or her delegate) and the faculty member, with a copy to be retained by each. Except as herein provided, no special terms or conditions may be included which vary the general terms and conditions stated herein. The responsibility for initiating the inclusion of special terms and conditions in documents of appointment is with the chairman or dean recommending the appointment.”

Section 2.c.(6).ii of the University’s Tenure Code states:

Special terms for less than full-time employment with commensurate compensation, or for relief from all employment obligations for a specified period, may be included in an appointment or reappointment to any faculty rank, or may be added by written memorandum of amendment during the term of an appointment.

To request a less than full-time appointment

To Request a Less than Full-Time Appointment:

The University may permit, at the discretion of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, a tenure-track or tenured appointment of less than full-time (1.0 FTE). Please note that for 12-month leave-earning faculty, a less than full-time status will result in reduced annual and sick leave earnings, pro-rated based on the part-time work schedule. Contact your Benefits Specialist for additional information regarding benefits for less than full-time employment.

  1. Department Initiation (for schools with departments): If a less than full-time appointment is deemed by the Department Chair to be necessary and in the best interests of the Department and the University, the requesting faculty member and their chair should complete the FTE Reduction Request form. This form must include specific reasons for the reduced work schedule and adequate assurances by the Chair that this arrangement allows the faculty member to fulfill all duties and responsibilities appropriate to their rank and status.
  2. School-Level Approval:
    1. For schools with departments: After completing the FTE Reduction Request form with necessary information and justification, the form should be reviewed and approved within the school by obtaining the Dean’s (or designee’s) endorsement.
    2. For schools without departments: If a less than full-time appointment is deemed by the dean (or designee) to be necessary and in the best interests of the School and the University, the requesting faculty member and their direct supervisor should complete the FTE Reduction Request form. This form must include specific reasons for the reduced work schedule and adequate assurances by the supervisor that this arrangement allows the faculty member to fulfill all duties and responsibilities appropriate to their rank and status. After completing the FTE Reduction Request form with necessary information and justification, the form should be reviewed and approved within the school by obtaining the Dean’s (or designee’s) endorsement.
    3. Submission to Office of Faculty Affairs: Submit the completed and endorsed FTE Reduction Request form to for review by the Provost (or their designee).
    4. Provost’s Decision: The Provost (or their designee) will approve or disapprove the request and notify the requesting unit of the decision.
    5. Action in ConnectCarolina: If the request is approved, the department must submit an action in ConnectCarolina and upload the approved FTE Reduction Request form to update the faculty member’s FTE.