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For Faculty Members Arriving Prior to Approval of Tenure Track or Tenured Appointment 

Departments or schools wishing to employ a permanent faculty member with benefits whose tenure-track or tenured appointment are pending final approvals may do so using a nominated faculty appointment.  The nominated faculty appointment is a one-year term appointment that should be amended to the proposed tenure-track or tenured appointment once final approvals for the permanent appointment are confirmed.  


Nominated faculty appointments are only appropriate for faculty who are candidates for tenure-track or tenured appointments. Nominated faculty appointments should not be used for candidates for fixed-term positions (including variable track).  Nominated faculty must not hold a faculty rank at another institution. A nominated faculty appointment should not be used for current benefits-earning employees.  It is not necessary to initiate a nominated faculty appointment for a dean whose primary appointment has been approved but whose faculty appointment is pending final approval. 

Process and Approvals 

Office of Human Resources (OHR) approval of the hire is required prior to initiating a nominated faculty appointment.  Nominated faculty appointments should only be initiated for candidates whose appointment has been approved at the highest level of committee review required on campus for the proposed rank (e.g., school-level APT, HSAC, ASAC or APT). It must be made clear to the prospective appointee that higher-level approvals are not assured and that the maximum guarantee of employment is the one-year fixed term. 

ConnectCarolina Actions 

The department or school should document in the comments of the ConnectCarolina Hire ePAR that this fixed-term nominated faculty appointment is being conveyed pending final approval of a proposed tenure-track or tenured appointment. The vacancy ID of the tenure-track or tenured recruitment should be included in the ePAR.  

  • Nominated time will not be counted towards a tenure track or tenured appointment.
  • The job code (rank) for the nominated faculty appointment should be the same as the proposed tenure-track or tenured appointment (e.g., assistant professor, associate professor, etc.). 
  • The UNC Long Title (working title) should be “Nominated (RANK)” (e.g., “Nominated Assistant Professor”). 
  • The expected end date on the ePAR must reflect a one-year appointment. 
  • The ‘Nominated Faculty’ flag must be checked in the ePAR. 
  • The tenure status must be set to “Not Applicable.” 

 Required documents: 

  • Recommendation letter from the dean to the provost or from chair endorsed by the dean 
  • Appointment letter from the department to the employee, specifying that this is a nominated faculty appointment for one year. 
  • AP-2 
  • Curriculum Vita 
  • Transcript (if available – see transcript policy) 

Once the final approval of the tenure-track or tenured appointment is confirmed, an ePAR should be initiated to update the working title, end date and tenure status. It is important to uncheck the ‘Nominated Faculty’ flag, when updating the faculty member’s appointment and to attach the provost’s letter indicating Board of Trustees approval of the tenure-track or tenured appointment.