Faculty Performance and Conduct
The policies and protocols listed provide guidance for engaging in the educational and research efforts expected of faculty and help govern each academic unit in administering various policies. Please visit the Faculty Code page on the Office of Faculty Governance website to find additional faculty employee policies and procedures.
For concerns related to faculty performance or conduct, contact the Senior HR Consultant or Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.
- Faculty Code
This is the University’s official link to the Faculty Code of Conduct - Improper Relationships between Students and Employees
Prohibits amorous relationships between faculty, staff or students - Nepotism Policy
- Policy On Prohibited Harassment and Discrimination
- Policy on Violence in the Workplace
How to report all incidents of violence - Reporting of Criminal Convictions for Currently Employed Faculty and Staff
The University is committed to excellence through teaching, research, and service. Faculty members uphold these principles through their intellectual integrity and professional behavior. To support these standards of academic excellence and accountability, the University has established two disciplinary guidelines covering faculty performance and faculty misconduct. These guidelines consolidate current procedures into a central resource and apply to all faculty members. They aim to:
- Ensure fair and consistent application across all schools
- Provide clear protocols to promote transparency in internal processes
- Protect faculty rights while maintaining university standards
- Enhance efficiency in resolving conflicts and mitigating potential risks
Under these guidelines, faculty success guides our approach to addressing both performance and conduct challenges. When performance concerns emerge in areas such as teaching, research, or service, we work collaboratively with faculty members to understand underlying factors, develop effective strategies, and establish clear steps toward improvement. In the same spirit, if professional conduct issues arise, we follow a fair process that respects the dignity and rights of all participants.
This balanced approach ensures we maintain high standards while supporting faculty development and success.
NOTE: These disciplinary guidelines complement, but do not replace, the formal disciplinary provisions in the UNC Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure.
Links to both disciplinary guidelines and supporting templates can be found below:
Guidelines on Faculty Performance
Guidelines on Faculty Misconduct
Faculty Reprimand Template
Faculty Counseling Template
Questions about the faculty disciplinary guidelines should be directed to Teresa Scaggs teresa.scaggs@unc.edu and Lachonya Thompson lachonya@unc.edu