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What is the Variable Track?

The variable track was created out of the necessity to provide schools an opportunity to allow faculty additional transition/research time to determine their career trajectory. The variable track is a three year fixed term position; however, a review and decision should take place by the end of the second year to determine if the faculty member will remain in a fixed term position or move on as a tenure track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor without tenure.

Recruitment and Posting

  • Must be posted for a minimum of 30 days.
  • Qualifications should be the same as tenure track positions. Variable track is not interchangeable with Instructor with Special Provisions.
  • Require two letters of recommendation.
  • Appointment is for three years with the possibility of track change to tenure track.
  • New recruitment is not required when transitioning a faculty member from the Variable Track to the Fixed Term or Tenure Track

Review for Tenure Track Appointment

  • Reviewed at the end of the second year of variable track appointment.
  • Promotion to Assistant Professor or Associate Professor without tenure.
  • The work unit (school/department) will follow the Dossier: Format for Tenure Track Faculty Review initial appointment guidelines if the faculty member selects to transfer into an Assistant Professor or Associate Professor tenure track position.
  • If the decision is to remain in the fixed term track, work unit (school/department) should follow internal fixed term guidelines on reappointment.

ConnectCarolina Actions

Moving from variable track to tenure-track

  • Process a Position ePAR to change from Fixed Term Rank to Tenure-Track Rank
  • Once that has been done an Edit Existing Job ePAR to update Expected End Date, update tenure data
    • Action/Action reason; Promotion/Faculty Promotion.

Moving from variable track to fixed term

  • Process a Position ePAR to update the fixed term rank if necessary
  • Once that has been done an Edit Existing Job ePAR to update Expected End Date, update tenure data
    • Action/Action reason; Data Change/Job Data Change